Monday Motivation ...

We all have busy lives these days. Are you too busy to include healthy habits in your life? I don't just mean exercise either .. healthy habits include keeping a close eye on the balance in your diet and lifestyle.

What is one thing that you could do this week to include a healthy habit into your day that you have previously "not had time for"?

Here's some examples ...

Get up a little bit earlier in the morning to start your day with a healthy breakfast not just a quick cup of coffee ...
Keep a water bottle with you to sip on throughout the day ...
Grab a piece of fruit that you can have for morning snack rather than another coffee or biscuits ... If you have time to make another coffee and grab biscuits you will have time to eat an apple!!
Get away from your desk at work for just 10 minutes ... Move around and have a quick stretch ...

What are you going to do this week?
Do it everyday and it will be become a habit quickly and you feel much better for that healthy habit!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad