Friday Fotos ... February Photo a Day

I'm trying to be a bit more organised this week and actually get my Friday post up on a Friday!  Novel idea isn't it?

This is what my creative genius I snapped pictures of this week ...

Day 11 .. Makes me happy .. Hugs from my little man

Day 12 .. Inside my closet ...       

 Day 13 .. Blue .. My yoga mat ..

                                   Day 14 .. Heart

Day 15 .. Phone ..

Day 16 .. Something new .. LOVE these shoes!

Day 17 .. Time .. When my weekend started!!

Fit Mum x   


Deborah said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love love LOVE the shoes!

Vicki said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I know aren't they gorgeous! Shoe shopping is exercise too right?

Nick Fitzpatrick said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi Fit Mum,

I live on the Sunshine Coast and am launching a new beverage on the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Gold Coast called bChill.

It is a relaxation beverage which is a fairly new concept to Australia, I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a product review on your blog if I sent you a sample?

For more information about bChill you can visit


Nick Fitzpatrick