Sugar Free September wrap up ...

It's been a few days since the end of my Sugar Free September Challenge and I haven't yet sat down to wrap up what the month was really like.  I've also had numerous questions from people amazed that I could go a whole month without sugar. 

" Do you feel different? "
" What are you going to do now? "
"How hard was it giving up sugar? "

Over the last week of the challenge, I found that I was starting to look forward to being able to have a treat .. dessert, a chocolate, biscuit etc.  Is this a sign that I am addicted?  I can't be .. I've barely noticed not having these things for a month and I certainly haven't looked for them or felt deprived that I haven't had them ... Must have been the excitement of being able to have something that I "enjoy" ...

I've also spent a little bit of time thinking about the questions that people had been asking me .. not because they were asked, but because I had thought of them myself first!

" Do I feel different? " ... No, I didn't feel that I had withdrawal from not having sugar or lollies, or cakes, or chocolate ... I had no miraculous bursts of energy ( when you find out how this happens, please forward this information to me immediately!! )

" Was it hard giving up sugar? " ... It didn't feel hard, like I said, no withdrawal ... I was just really conscious of the added / hidden sugars in foods ... they are EVERYWHERE!!! It's rather annoying actually ... I recommend, as I always do, eat whole, unprocessed foods .. as close to nature as possible and it's easier to avoid the added / hidden sugars.

" What am I going to do now? " ... The answer to this one actually came to me over the weekend .. after the challenge had finished ... 


There was no marching band or procession over the weekend.  Nothing special to signify the end of Sugar Free September ... nothing except the opportunity to have a few pieces of chocolate .. and a slice of cheesecake for dessert on Saturday night.  Wow!  I'm thinking about how fabulous it is to be able to choose that I can have chocolates and not feel guilty that I'm cheating myself ...

I had a few chocolates to celebrate on Saturday and I had that slice of cheesecake for dessert on Saturday night .. what you will be pleased to know is that I felt a bit bleh after the chocolates and the cheesecake pushed me right to the edge ... my belly was churning!!  So much for not feeling guilty .. I just felt ill!!

Sunday, I didn't fare much better .. Grandfinal night here and the boys desperately needed to watch the football, drink beer and eat hotdogs and drumsticks ... 

I didn't watch the football .. I didn't need to I could hear them screaming everything at the TV ...
I didn't drink beer .. the 2 small glasses of champagne the night before gave me a headache ( I know, clearly I have lost all fitness in this area ... )
I ate hotdogs ... yep, processed meat, must stop writing .. stomach churning again ...
I ate a Drumstick .. I knew as soon as I started unwrapping it that it was going to be a mistake ... 

I'm not going to elaborate any further .. needless to say, I feel worse now than I have for the last 4 weeks!!  I've even made the confessional phone call to my girlfriend ..  

MAKE THE BAD FOOD GO AWAY !!!! Shannon, I'm in sympathy with you here ....

So, all that being said ... " What am I going to do now? "

The verdict for me ... I will still use sugar at home .. in the baking, however I will be using alternatives when and where I can.  I'm going back to sugar free ... modified version ... I'm going to have a chocolate or dessert occasionally.  Oh, and I'm going to have that glass of wine, champagne or vodka, lime and soda .. of course, these will be celebratory only .. like the end of the week celebration!  No, I'm not going to be doing Ocsober!!

Why not give sugar free a go .. even a modified version .. say for a week .. you never know how it will make you feel!

Fit Mum x