Registration confirmed!

Yes, I finally did it ... I entered the Gold Coast Half Marathon. 
I put it off as long as I could, I know.  I usually like to wait until the last minute just to make sure that I don't have any hiccups on the way.  It makes me feel like I'm taking that little bit of pressure off my training program.

I have think I have accepted that I may not achieve my original goal after being set back for a few weeks.  I have 4 1/2 weeks to go and every training session from here in must be the best it can be.  I'm going to rest when I need to rest. 

Most importantly I am going to do my best and be proud of my efforts!

Always remember to do you best .. that's what really counts.  Be proud of your efforts .. this is an experience that we get to learn from and improve upon.

See you at the Gold Coast!!

Stay focused,  Stay strong
Fit Mum x


Paul Chippendale said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Well done. I'm running in that one. Also, have the Queensland Half-Marathon at Doomben this Sunday :)